
Tiago de Paula Peixoto
Univ.-Prof. for Complex Systems and Network Science
IT:U, Linz, Austria


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Short bio

I am a Professor for Complex Systems and Network Science at IT:U, Linz, Austria.

I have received my habilitation in theoretical physics at the University of Bremen in 2017. Previously, I have been an Associate Professor at the Central European University (2019-2024), Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath (2016-2019), External Researcher at the ISI Foundation (2015-2020), and post-doc researcher at the University of Bremen (2011-2016) and Technical University of Darmstadt (2008-2011).

I have received my PhD in Physics at the University of São Paulo in 2008.

My research group works at the interface between statistical physics, computational statistics, information theory, Bayesian inference, and machine learning, and has as its main focus the study of inverse problems in network science and complex systems.

My work was recognized with the Erdős–Rényi Prize from the Network Science Society in 2019.

I also received a Alexander von Humbolt Foundation fellowship in 2008.

And most importantly, I’m the proud 6th recipient of the distinguished Karate Club Club prize. 🥋🏆

Me (left) receiving the notorious Karate Club Club trophy from Travis Martin (right), on behalf of the 5th recipient, Mark Newman, in 2015.